Hello everyone…hope you had a good weekend!
So we finally got some curtains for the condo. They look pretty nice, though they came with ties and I can’t find 2 of them (out of 6) so I’m not sure if they fell somewhere or if they were ever in the package. So strange! I guess there will be one window without the ties. Maybe I’ll be able to find fabric the exact same color somewhere. I wanted to put some pictures up of the living room, but we’re still lacking a rug 🙁 I hope we’re able to find one that we both like soon. There were some pretty good options at IKEA, but none of the beige colors were really a beige (they were very gray-toned) and I think Shawn wants one with a pattern. I’m okay with just a solid color but oh welll haha.
We also got a mirror for the bedroom from IKEA, but apparently its super heavy and requires really strong bolts or whatever to hold it to the wall and one of them ended up putting a hole in the wall and going right through it. eek! I don’t think the drywall is strong enough. My dad is going to swing by this week to patch it up so hopefully it’ll look okay after that, although there’s still the problem of how to hang up the mirror. Any ideas? Right now its just leaning on the dresser against the wall…and I almost kind of like it that way haha.
I also got a haircut over the weekend at a little salon just a few blocks from me called SNIP. It was a little bit pricier than I’m used to (although still much less expensive than other salons in Center City would be). However, I absolutely love the cut and my bangs are finally the length I want them to be, so I think I will be returning for future haircuts 🙂
I’m trying out a new soup I made from a recipe on SkinnyTaste called Chicken Pot Pie Soup. It was fairly easy to make (well, not including the part where I mistakenly left it on high and had boiling milk exploding all over my stovetop). And its really yummy! I love making soups because there’s usually enough to last a couple weeks for lunches. I alternate with a sandwich or salad every other day. I’ve been having such a hard time finding good recipes for sandwiches that don’t take forever or involve a ton of ingredients. I’ve been doing BLT’s for a few weeks and I’m starting to get really tired of them haha. If anyone has any good sandwiches recipes, let me know in the comments! I’d love ones that incorporate avocado because I love avocado…although I’m not sure if its still in season. And speaking of food stuff, I signed up for this subscription program called graze box where they send you a box of healthy snacks each week. And like really interesting stuff, too! I haven’t gotten my first box yet, but I plan to review it on here when I do so you can see what I got. If anyone’s interested in signing up, I have an invite code. I can’t seem to find the code on the website, but I should be getting one in my box when I get it this week.
I love SkinnyTaste – so many great recipes!
I wonder if I can get Graze Box? I might just have to move to the States just for the subscription boxes!
@Sara hmm I have no idea if they’re in Canada. They started out in the UK I think and have just come to the US…so hopefully that means they’ll be coming to Canada soon!