Happy Monday all (if Mondays can actually be happy…so probably not)
I had a fairly relaxed weekend (especially compared to the weekend before). I didn’t do a whole lot except for grocery shopping at two different grocery stores. We were completely out of food so I’m glad we’re stocked up again now haha
I’m sure all of you have heard about the shooting that happened in Colorado last week. Absolutely terrifying. Reports keep coming out about the killer’s apartment and how extensively it was booby trapped…I’m not even sure if they’ve actually gotten into it yet. So scary and sickening. On top of that, that night I found out that a friend of mine from college passed away. It was very sudden and unexpected and I was shocked to hear about it. I hadn’t seen her in quite a long time (I think 5 years?), but we were around each other a lot my Freshman year of college, and she roomed with me (and 2 others) in the same apartment my Sophomore year. Its hard to believe that she’s gone…and at such a young age. 🙁
I don’t want to be a total downer though, so some better news…I finally booked a vacation for September. Shawn and I will be going to Atlantic City (so, not exactly that far away haha) for 4 days. It should be fun and hopefully we’ll figure out things to do while we’re there since I don’t really want to be laying on the beach the entire time. I’m sure we will think of something, but at least we’ll be away and it’ll be something different. I’ll actually be going to the beach next weekend with his family as well, so there will be a lot of beaching this summer. I can’t believe its almost August though…but I’m happily anticipating the arrival of Fall.
I’m going to be making a new recipe tonight for dinner (this Pasta and Broccoli dish) so I’ll be sure to blog about it this week. I was going to blog about the mango sorbet I made this past weekend, but instead I’ll just post the video below that I followed to make it. I didn’t make any changes at all to it except for using regular sugar (3/4 cup) and leaving out the rose water since I didn’t have it. It turned out delicious! Rule of Yum is an awesome channel btw…you should subscribe 🙂
I am sorry about your friend, I know what thats like, I have lost almost 10 friends since highschool,including one of them my best friend & past love. Ill keep ya in my prayers hun.