New version of WordPress, eh? Its alright. I don’t like how I’m typing in some weird looking typewriter-esque font. I hate the visual mode though so it’ll have to do. Speaking of WordPress, for some reason the version of WordPress that’s used for my company’s website doesn’t have an HTML tab…has a crapload of little icons and took me forever to figure out I had to click a little “source” button to find the code. I can’t even update the version or anything because whoever originally set it up locked it for editing or something so I’ll have to fiddle around with it and look for the FTP info.
This Monday was Independence Day, so I had off work and went home for a BBQ. Ate entirely too much food (cheeseburgers and hotdogs and hoagies and cake!) and haven’t even been to the gym yet…ohh well. I was also sent back with like 50% of the unfinished food, so its a lost cause anyway =p It was a good weekend though. Shawn and I went to the mall on Saturday. I didn’t get anything except for a couple boxer shorts to sleep in at Boscov’s. They’re so cute but I discovered they shrink like whoa in the dryer so I should have gotten a size up =( They were only like 5 bucks though so its not a huge loss, and I can still wear them…just need to keep them out of the dryer in the future. On Sunday I made some banana chocolate chip muffins from scratch following Sherry’s recipe from Sweet and Sassy. They turned out perfect! I’m no baker (even have trouble with boxed things) so I was expecting a disaster, but they were really good.
I also purchased a couple other things over the past few days. The first being this pair of white shorts from Delia*s (yes, I am still apparently 15 years old haha). White shorts are so popular right now, and they go with pretty much everything. I’ve been looking for the right pair, and have tried on a bunch but none fit right. I already have a pair of denim shorts from Delia*s that fit perfectly and are so comfortable, and I noticed they had the exact pair in white…so, despite the price, I got them. Its better knowing that they’ll fit me beforehand even if I could have gotten them cheaper elsewhere. I also finally purchased the Urban Decay Naked palette yesterday, which I’ve been lusting after for a year now. Really excited about it! Now is probably the point where I need to freeze my credit card in a block of ice for the remainder of the month (a la Rebecca Bloomwood from the Confessions of the Shopaholic movie).
Shawn and I are planning a trip to Vegas for the fall! (probably November) We were looking at prices online at, and they aren’t as bad as I would have expected. Right now hotel-wise, I’m looking at the Luxor (although Shawn wants Mandalay Bay…which is nice but slightly more pricey). Anyone who’s gone to Vegas a few times have any suggestions? I’ve been there once and stayed at the Orleans, which was nice…but I’d like somewhere on the strip this time. I’ve never been on a vacation (at least alone) with Shawn, so I’m pretty excited. Of course, I should probably be saving up for it instead of spending money on eye shadow palettes…hehe.

As mentioned in a previous entry, I’ve completely revamped my skincare routine based on recommendations from Beautypedia. These are some of the products that I purchased and have been using for the past couple weeks. I really love all of them so far!… read the rest
Oooh, Vegas sounds like fun! I’ve not been there yet, but a friend of mine has gone a few times, and stays at the Flamingo. He loves it. 🙂