So I got my first Birchbox last week! I was so excited, and I was definitely not disappointed at all with what I was sent! The samples were all very generous, and were all things that I was interested in trying. I have tried all the products (some more than others) so I will post a quick little review next to each. I may do a more in depth review in the future, though, when I’m able to use the products a bit more.
First off…here’s what it looked like with the box:
Super adorable pink packaging, and some products were even wrapped up in a little black ribbon! <3 You can see most the products there are a very good size.
[amazon_link id=”B00279L5GU” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
This was the product that I was most excited to receive because it is something that I’ve been wanting to try for awhile. I have only used it once, however, and I probably did not use it to its full potential. I was taking a bath that was wayyy too hot while it was on, and I could feel it melting off while it was on my face, which was annoying so I washed it off before the 10 minutes was up. The next day I noticed that I had devloped some acne, but that could be because I was super stressed for the past couple days (hence why I needed the bubble bath!). So…I really need to use this the right way and then I’ll have a better idea if it does some good for my skin (or if it was the culprit of my acne!)
[amazon_link id=”B001MA7TP6″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
I was excited about this lotion because the sample size I received was so large, and I love hand creams/lotions in general. At first, I was a bit disappointed to find out that it was very thin in consistancy. I am used to “body butter” type of creams and always avoid the lotion-y type creams because I feel they don’t moisturize very well. Upon applying it, it immediately sinks into the skin, and you can’t really feel it at all a few minutes after. This annoyed me at first because I thought it wasn’t doing anything, but then I realized that it really kept my skin moisturized for a while after that (I just couldn’t “feel” the lotion anymore). Also, the smell is amazing! I don’t think I would ever buy this, but it was a nice sample to use nonetheless.
[amazon_link id=”B000BIZSYO” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
I had never heard of this company before…apparently it is one of L’Oreal’s more high-end labels. I’ve used the shampoo about 3 times now. I’m of the opinion that most shampoos are the same (with some exceptions, mainly Lush solid shampoos), so I can’t say that I really saw a huge difference with my hair by using this. It was definitely a good quality shampoo and my hair was in good condition, but nothing that my usual shampoo couldn’t do, which is cheaper than $35!
Jouer Min Lip Enhancer in “Shiraz”
At first I was like whoaa this color is going to be way too dark for me so maybe I’ll just give this to my mom. I put it on, though, and luckily the color was not at all as dark as in the tube! It was a nice flushed rose color. However, I was not at all impressed with the formula, which was similiar to a cheap lip gloss. I’m not a huge fan of lip glosses (hence the huge amount of lip glosses that are just sitting in my drawer) and I felt like this formula could stand to be a lot more moisturizing, considering it is supposed to be a “treatment”. I found it was very drying and after putting it on, I couldn’t really rup my lips together like I usually can with balms and such. That being said, I may still give it to my mom now because she likes lip glosses.
[amazon_link id=”B000HLF3Y0″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
I was super excited about this one because, as we all know, I love trying out soaps! This was also probably the only product I was most pleased with. I mean, its hard to screw up a soap. I’ve used it a few times now. The smell (which is pomegranate) is incredibly refreshing! I’ve been using it in the morning because it does a good job of waking me up. The formula itself is also very moisturizing (similiar to a Dove beauty bar). All in all, a good quality soap that I will continue to use up.
[amazon_link id=”B002EQP0DU” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
The final product I recieved was actually not part of the main list of products. With birchbox, you can decide if you want them to send you a foil sample along with your order. Umm…why wouldn’t I want more samples!? haha. So this was the foil pounch I got. As you can see, its the same company that the shampoo is from. I was looking forward to trying this because my ends are certainly damaged. I wasn’t really sure how to use this. It said it was a “treatment” and to apply to hair and rinse. I wasn’t sure if that meant dry hair or to use it on wet hair like a conditioner or if its supposed to be used with a conditioner…so many questions! I settled on using it as a conditioner. Overall, it really did help my ends…nothing drastic but I could tell they were in better shape. However, I’m not sure that this is worth $36!
All in all, I really enjoyed my first Birchbox! I’d highly reccommend signing up. Its $10/month for a subscription and if you do the month-to-month subscription, you can cancel anytime. Much more beneficial than a magazing subscription, in my opinion. I’m definitely looking forward to June’s box!

[…] different soaps I have been using lately (not including the Archipelago pomegranate soap that I already reviewed, which I use regularly as […]