So I received this polish back in December in my Birchbox but hadn’t used it yet. I was in the mood for a darker color, so I finally picked it up. I always find Essie polishes to be a bit streaky and this one was no exception, but I think it turned out alright.
Fun fact: I had never gotten my nails done in a salon until last weekend. Crazy, right? I meant to take a picture of the polish but I forgot (it was an OPI one…a pretty dark pinkish red). Why is it that manicures in salons last SO much longer? I read that making sure there are no oils on your nails really helps with chipping, but I feel like my polish is already starting to do that and its only been a day haha. It could be that I need a good top coat. The one I have now isn’t that great. Any suggestions? (besides Seche Vite…I love it but it gets goopy way too fast).
Lately I’ve been swearing by Revlon’s color stay base&top coats. I would have passed it by but had been hearing a lot of stellar reviews on youtube and various blogs. A combination of both will keep my nails chip free for at least 4-5 days, still looking near-perfect for a week, and after two weeks of handling massive amounts of money (&coins!) at work, my right pointer finger has chipped down a bit (I grab coins with that hand for 9 hours straight) but the other 9 still look decent.
@Melanie thank you for the suggestion! I’m going to pick up the topcoat the next time I’m at the drugstore 🙂
I really like this color!I dont like it when they become streaky too.
It’s fun to use Essie polishes on well done nails! Personally I used to like bright and fresh shades but now, I like dark colors as well – especially black and red.