Hey everyone. I meant to post last week but kept getting interrupted in the middle of the entry and it just never happened. Oops! Last week was pretty terrible anyhow.
I spent hours yesterday trying to unplug a clogged toilet. Fun! Its still clogged, though. My dad’s going to stop by later in the week to see if he can fix it. Our plunger is terrible, so I’m hoping a better one will do the trick. Fingers crossed! Shawn and I spent Saturday watching most of Season 2 of Game of Thrones lol. We’ve still got a few episodes left, though. I’ve also started watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. Took me a few episodes to get into it (I feel like the pacing was very slow at first), but I love it now.
I’m trying to decide whether I want to stick with my Graze box subscription that I reviewed a couple entries ago. I LOVE the snacks they send, but the shipping is terrible. They ship from the UK, so it rarely ever gets here on the week its supposed to. Like my box from two weeks ago only just got to me last Friday. And the box for last week isn’t here yet either. By the time they get to me, the snacks are almost expired (though I’d still eat them…I’m not too strict about that stuff lol). Guess I’ll give it a couple more weeks to see if shipping improves.
My birthday is a little over a month away. Its terrifying knowing that I’ll be 26 soon. That sounds so old to me, but I guess it isn’t. Mid-twenties are weird. Everyone seems to be in different tracks in their lives. Some are living at home, some are married, and some are already having kids. And of course everything in between. Its crazy. I tend to compare my life to other people’s (thanks a lot, Facebook.) and its something I really shouldn’t do because everyone is different. But I just feel like I’m in some weird limbo right now and like I’m just waiting for my “future” to happen. I don’t even know what I’m talking about but hopefully someone understands it LOL. It doesn’t help that I blink and like two years seems to have gone by.
Oh yea, I’ve re-designed Adorability Designs. I’m really loving the new look of it…much cleaner and easier to follow. Now I just need some clients (anyone??). 🙂
Ummm. I feel ya on the mid twenties thing,.. im 26 now.. but I am coming to a calm place where I know my time is coming & if marriage or children happened any sooner , i wouldnt be happy or it wouldnt be right.. On the Graze thing, I tried ti try it out with your code but I was too late.. but I havent been hearing good thing about them… One of my friends on twitter was trying to give her code but it wasnt working for her friends.. turns out they told her in customer service that it could only be used ONCE! yet they told her like 4 times or something? She was pissed , she said customer service was bad. i also didnt know they were based out of the UK, they should have really thought about shipping before they offered it in the US.
BTW When i clicked on the design website my reaction was ‘OOOOOHHHHHH!” NIce! Be emailing you!
@Santana yea apparently they were getting too overwhelmed with subscriptions so they had to limit it to one invite per customer. My code was actually used 2 or 3 times I think before they cut if off haha. They really need to open a US warehouse to ship from…I think that would solve a lot of the shipping issues!