Sorry I didn’t blog when I got back from vacation! =P I’m being kind of a slacker with my website. haha.
The vacation was pretty good…got to see the Grand Canyon and the Vegas strip and stuff. There was some drama back home and also problems with my mom so that wasn’t good though =/ But everything else was fine. haha. Here are some pictures!
Click here for more!
I’m moving in to my apartment in 1 week!!!! So excited! lols. No more having to take the train everyday to work and waste time in the Tech Center cause I don’t have anywhere to go. hahaha.
Work is boring as hell…basically spending all day reading the results of the Summer classes surveys and posting them in an Excel file. *shoots self in head*
Staying at my boyfriend’s tonight and this weekend =)…so I’m pretty much not at home anyhow. haha. I really need to get started packing though…I haven’t done anything yet. lol.
Your trip looked so much fun! My father is on vacation in Vegas right now. I wish I could go. And I haven’t been the Grand Canyon yet, either. It looks awesome.
I hope your move goes well 🙂
aw that looked like fun! i wish i could go somewhere for vacation.
it looks like you had fun on your vaca from the pics! i love the ones of the grand canyon. they’re so gorgeous!
your holiday lux amazing!!! i wish i could go vegas!!! alas…it would cost me a fortune as im from the uk!!! nmind!!
hope your have fun packing!! moving home is an ass of a job but owww so worth it in the end!! xx
The pictures are gorgeous! Looks like you had a lot of fun!
The pictures are beautiful and make me wish I could go on a holiday right now.
And moving into your own apartment sounds exciting. I believe that comes with responsibilities but there’s also the fun part of it! 🙂
Ooh, the pictures look amazing, glad you had a good time 🙂 Sorry there was drama back home though 🙁
But oooh, you’re moving pretty soon – exciting stuff 🙂 I’d love not not have to catch public transport all the time : P
Good luck moving into your own apartment! I’m so jealous. The closest thing I have to independence is the dorms at the University. 🙁
(I tried this a minute ago and it didn’t work, so sorry if there’s two!)
Ooh the vacation looked like fun! And sweet pictures! I was down at the canyon a few years ago and my pictures sucked. haha.
Yur photography is amazing seems like you have been to alot of different places your lucky i dont get to go to place like that.Great Site tho
I love the pictures – they’re just gorgeous. I love the lights of Vegas and all the life, and the way people are awake at all hours. (: Congrats on your apartment!! Packing is so awful, but I hope all is going well.
Good site!