I’ve updated my playlist! Check out the little ipod looking thingamabobber on the sidebar and listen to some bangin’ music
…or maybe just Womanizer
Whilst going through my website files, I came across this little song clip I wrote, which I just labeled “Untitled”: [audio:http://www.adorability.org/music/untitled2.mp3]
At any rate, I really like it…and think I can make something of it if I have enough time. Though the one part sounds exactly like my other song, Ghost so I’ll have to do something about that…
ETA: Soo…Twitter badge isn’t working for me at all. Anyone else having this problem? I’ve cleared the code for now until Twitter fixes it *grumble*
i love womanizer <3
i wish i could hear your stuff though, but my speakers are acting weird right now =/