…or, rather, down?
I can’t believe I literally only have 2 days left in my apartment! There’s some things I’ll miss about it…other things, not so much (mainly the guy next door who likes to blast heavy metal at odd times during the day 😕 ). I’ll miss not having my own space. I’m already thinking about how I want to decorate my new apartment when I move out (who knows where and when that will be haha). Hopefully I don’t lose my mind at home. I need to look into saving up for a car so I can hang out with friends more and get out more often. I don’t know what kind of car I want, but definitely something very small. This weekend I’m moving out so I’ve been trying to pack little by little all week. All I have left to box up is the kitchen stuff, my clothes, and whatever is in the bathroom. I have a feeling this weekend is going to involve lots of physical labor.
I have to start taking pubic transit next week to get to work. Ughh. I’ll miss walking, even though it was uncomfortable when it was hot/cold, at least I was able to control the time I got in and not have to depend on someone else lol. I’m going to have to take the train with my mom Mon-Wed because my Septa pass doesn’t start till July and its easier for my mom to just buy train tickets. Unfortunately, she leaves for work really early and I’ll probably be at work wayy earlier than I have to be. X( I can’t leave later cause the train station is too far away to walk haha. After Wednesday, I’m going to try taking the bus to 69th street and then taking the subway to city hall (which is basically where my office building is). I’ll be able to leave later, so hopefully that will work out. I really hate buses though. From my experience, they’re pretty unreliable. Though maybe suburb buses are better than city buses…I don’t know. haha. Then I’ll just take the train back with my mom since she leaves around the same time I do.
Shawn is coming up to Philly next Thursday! Very excited! :love: I took next Friday off. We’re going to his family’s beach house for the weekend and he’s heading back to Charlotte on Mon, so its not very long but at least I’ll get to see him.
Still having issues with LJ crosspost! (anyone else having problems?) It keeps telling me “invalid password” when I try to post. grrr. Also, still looking for a few more hostees! Email me if you’re interested!
EDIT: Apparently WordTwit (the plugin I use to post new blog post links to Twitter) isn’t working either. What the eff? I feel like this new version of WordPress messed everything up haha
I definitely don’t miss the days of public transit! I live in a fairly small city so not only was in unreliable, but buses totally didn’t run often enough. Hopefully you’ll be able to get a car soon!
Good luck with the move. I hope the public transit doesn’t mess you up too badly. I don’t mind taking the bus. I feel bad when I get to work late now and then because the buses were running late, but my employers are usually understanding.