Yes, I spent $22.50 on a lip balm.
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Now that we’ve moved on from that shocker, a review! I’ve been lusting after this Fresh Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment for a long time. A verry long time. I’m not sure why…but its probably a combination of the gorgeous packaging, the word “rose” (I love love love rose), and the fact that its tinted. So I finally caved in the last time I was in Sephora and was all “the hell with it!” and bought it.
First thing I love about this lip treatment is the packaging of course, which is a rather dumb thing to care about but its so nice that its hard not to make note of it. It comes in a metal tube instead of plastic and screws in at the bottom to prevent the cap from accidentally coming off. The smell, contrary to what I originally thought it would be, is not actually rose. A reviewer on hit the nail on the head when she described the smell….lemon-line Gatorade. Its actually a really nice smell though. Very lemony…and if you’re not consciously thinking of it smelling like Gatorade then you kind of forget that it does. haha! I really really love the color. It leaves a nice, natural-looking rosy tint, which is exactly what I was hoping for when I got this. I’m not really into lipsticks because I feel weird wearing so much color on my lips, plus it tends to dry them out. This was the perfect alternative because it gives just the right amount of tint, is very softening, and very glossy as well. It glides really nicely onto your lips and is super super smooth and soft (think more along the lines of blistex as opposed to burts bees).
The one thing so far that I guess I’m slightly disappointed about is how long it lasts. Its not that it goes away really quickly, but it doesn’t really last any longer than my Smith’s Rosebud Salve or Burt’s Bees does. A lot of people said they only had to apply it twice throughout the day though, so it could just be me…I think I’m addicted to my lips having that super moist feeling all the time so when a product actually sinks into my lips I feel like I have to put more on, even though its probably still moisturizing. One thing that almost every reviewer on said was that it melts very very easily. So if you do get this, be wary of where you keep it. I wouldn’t keep it in your purse on a really hot day or anything haha
Overall, this is definitely a splurge item. If you want to treat yourself…go for it! I really love everything about this lip treatment for the most part except the price, so I’ll have to see how long this lasts me before I decide if its a repurchase or not.
Update (12/3/10): I have only a tiny bit of this remaining, which means it only lasted around 3 months. It is extremely soft and melty and the top ended up breaking off so I had to place it back on again. Very messy!