There are so many product reviews I’ve been meaning to put up, but I’ve been procrastinating!
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I haven’t done a Lush review in a little while, so this review will be on Lush’s Ocean Salt scrub. I changed up my Lush skin care routine a little bit once I ran out of Fresh Farmacy and Aqua Marina Cleansers. I really do love Aqua Marina and will probably purchase it again at some point. The only problem with it is that it doesn’t stay fresh for very long, and I wanted to conservse some more money. What I’ve been doing now is using Ultrabland every night to remove my makeup followed by Tea Tree Toner and Imperialis moisutizer. Ever other day or so I’ll use Ocean Salt to exfoliate or a fresh face mask if I happen to have one at the time.
I’ve been wanting to try Ocean Salt for a long time now, and the price always put me off…but I finally decided to get it! Right before you use it the first time, you have to stir the mixture in the pot together. It’ll turn from a bright blue to a sea-green color (really pretty!). The texture is super scrubby…so if you’re not used to having strong exfoliation on your face, I would use this on your body instead. I usually only use it once or twice a week because of the scrubbiness. The smell of this is amazing. I almost love it based on the smell alone! Its like a margarita for your skin. You can definitely pick up the lime smell. Also, when you use it, some of the salt will probably get in your mouth which I actually love (but I can see how it would be annoying).
As for results, thats the one area that I can’t say I’m completely sold on yet. I haven’t noticed any serious improvements, though it does seem like its improved the flakiness of my skin a bit. Its hard to say, though, because this week I happen to have a lot of flakes on my face…but that could be do to other factors like the weather. Overall, I’m giving this a 3 out of 5 untill I see a noticible improvement with my skin, but like I said it feels and smells amazing (and the pot also lasts a really long time and doesn’t expire too soon, which is a rarity with Lush products).