I mentioned this primer in my July favorites post, so here is a full review of what I think of it and why I love it!
I usually don’t use a primer regularly. The last primer I owned was Tarte’s Clean Slate, which was pretty good but it tended to break me out if I used it too often. But with the weather so warm, I figured that I should find a primer again to see if that would help my makeup last. I went to my trusted source, Beautypedia.com, to find a primer that was fairly inexpensive with a good rating. I decided on Revlon’s Photoready Perfecting Primer (as opposed to their color correcting one) and picked it up at the drugstore for about $13.
When I first applied it, I was slightly disappointed because it had a similar finish to Benefit’s The Porefessional. It has a very matte finish and blurred out imperfections. The only reason why I’m not a big fan of matte finishes is because I have some dry patches and they usually make them worse. But not this primer! I was so relieved when the primer applied smoothly over my dry patches without making them any worse (in fact, they looked better). My skin was completely smoothed, matte, and had a very airbrushed look to it.
Makeup applies super smoothly over this primer, although it does not have that slippery silicone feel to it that a lot of primers have (if you prefer that), but it definitely is very smooth. The consistency of it is also closer to a lotion than a gel. After applying my makeup, I always have crazy amounts of oilyness around my t-zone that need to be covered up immediately by powder, but when I used this primer I could barely notice any oil! I even went without powder a couple times. My makeup held up better throughout the day (there will still be oil, but not as much as without using the primer). I was surprised when I came home at 5:30 and saw that my makeup looked almost perfect and that even my blush that I applied at 7:30 that morning was still perfect and visible.
All in all, this is a great primer and I would definitely suggest it to anyone who is going for a soft matte finish or likes Benefit’s Porefessional but doesn’t want to pay the high price for it.
My Rating:
Want it?: Buy it now from Ulta!
Great review especially for those that don’t want to pay the higher price for the Benefit!
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
I got this primer too and i actually just grabbed cause it was there and i wanted to try different things…i started using it regularly just 2 weeks ago, cause i almost forgot about ti 🙂
Wonderful review. I am a big fan of a lot of the Revlon cosmetics line.