Hello readers! (all…2 of you) I’m still alive! I know I’ve basically abandoned my little corner of the interwebs here. But looky…a new logo. That totally means I’ll update more! Alright, maybe not, but I’ll certainly try. 😉
Quick rundown of my life…
Apartment: Still in the same place and just renewed for another year. I was pretty set on moving but I couldn’t really find anything in time, and I really hate moving anyway so I’ll just suck it up. Its not too bad of a place and the noise level could be a lot worse than it is I guess.
Kitty: Jesse is doing well! He just had his yearly vet visit a few weeks back. Unfortunately, I have to take him back to get another dental sometime this summer though (tentatively scheduled for late June). I guess this is something that will always have to happen at least once a year. Poor thing has such horrible teeth. He’s still throwing up from time to time but its gone down a bit since I switched him to all grain free food. In about a month, I will have had him for 2 full years. 🙂
Love Life: I have a wonderful boyfriend! I would post a picture but he probably wouldn’t like that. 😉
Melanie Anne Creative: Aaah the design biz. I could type a novel about this, but I’ll spare you. Suffice it to say, this whole business was stressing me out to no end towards the end of last year to the point where I wanted to completely delete my domain and email address and just abandon everything (I mean…I technically don’t need it). BUT common sense prevailed, so I finished up the current 1-2 projects I was working on, and then more or less shut down my website. I’m still handling some work for my current clients for the time being as needed, but I don’t see myself taking on any new full projects or additional clients in the foreseeable future. I miss the days when I did simple cute Blogger headers and all I had to think about was design and not the million other technical issues and bullshit that comes with actually setting up a website.There’s a chance I may switch back over to just doing logo design or super simple blog designs…we’ll see how I feel after this little hiatus I’m on.
“Real” Job: I still have it….not much more to say haha
Mellie Anne: I really want to try to revive this little blog somehow. I know no one reads it, but I miss when I used to blog a lot (especially beauty blogging!). I used to have like a schedule and put all my effort into it (before I started putting all my effort into the design biz). No, it didn’t pay, but it was fun! I’m trying my best to go through my posts and categorize them the way I want them to be now. I still subscribe to quite a bit of subscription boxes, though not the same ones as I have in the past. I unsubbed from Birchbox, and while I had a brief subscription to Sephora Play, I unsubbed from that as well (I just wasn’t finding a need for all the makeup samples). My favorite is probably still FabFitFun. I just got the Spring box a couple weeks ago…would post a review but everything is all unpackaged and scattered around. I’ll be sure to do the Summer one! I also love Book of the Month and have just subscribed to Ellie, which is a workout/fitness clothing subscription (oh yea…I’ve been going to the gym like 3 times a week. WAT?). I also subscribe to MeUndies (which might be slightly awkward to blog about but we’ll see) and I’m thinking to subscribing to this sock thing next Fall hahaha. So that gives me stuff to blog about at least. Maybe I’ll try taking pictures and stuff of places I go. We went to a cool sculpture garden in Jersey today so that would be a nice post…maybe I’ll post about that this week 🙂
That’s all I have for now…will try to remember to post more!
Welcome back!
I hope you’re able to find a schedule that works for you. I’m glad you’re doing well, taking a break is definitely needed from time to time. Glad Jesse is doing well, I hope his teeth aren’t hurting him. I’ve been wanting a cat for awhile now, however I’m hardly home. I mostly spend my nights at my BF’s place, but he has two kitties of his own so I live vicariously through him for the time being. 🙂
Looking forward to your posts!!!
Thanks, Kimmy! I will have to catch up on your blog!
That’s awesome your BF has cats so you can hang out with them 🙂 I only spend like a night a week at my BF’s because of the kitty (the most I’d leave him alone is for 1 night haha).