Better late than never, right? Almost 2 weeks ago Steve and I finally moved into our house in South Jersey! Everything with the move went pretty smoothly. Jesse was surprisingly subdued, though he took a little time to adjust to the new place. Now he’s fairly comfortable. His favorite spots are chilling on the steps and the sofa downstairs (which he’s unfortunately started scratching at. NOO!)
The house is beautiful and everything is working really well so far! I was pretty anxious about our neighbors being loud since Steve had mentioned it, but it really hasn’t been bad at all. We pretty much only hear them when they’re outside (which they are pretty much all the time but oh well). We mowed the lawn over the weekend. My first lawn mowing experience! We have a push mower which isn’t terrible, though I’m sure an electric one is better but we’re gonna stick with this one a little while. We also went to IKEA on Sunday and picked up a few items. I finally have bookshelves in my room so I was able to put away the 2 storage boxes full of books and Funko POPs lol! The only room really left to work on is the dining room (need an actual dining room set) and I guess find some kind of wall art for the bedroom. The living room is weirdly set up because there’s 2 couches next to each other against the wall, but we don’t really know how to arrange it so it’ll probably stay that way. Once everything looks a bit better and finalized I’ll post pictures up here.
On Saturday we went to a wedding for one of my co-workers in Lancaster which was fun. Here we are looking snazzy…
This weekend coming up will be the first where we can actually relax a bit without too much running around, so we’re both looking forward to it!
Love that orange dress! And the house sounds awesome!
Thank you! And I definitely want to have you guys over sometime when its looking better…maybe in the summer 🙂