Holy crap I NEED to put up this post (or any post for that matter)! 😕 Its been in my drafts since Monday…and I had written about how Spring is here and it was like 75 degrees and blah blah blah…and now its totally not anymore (rainy and cold), so that’s not appropriate at all. I suppose I could have kept it in my drafts for next Monday, when is apparently supposed to be like 78 degrees again.
Very belated update from last weekend: Saturday was mostly spent in the city. Shawn and I wanted to check out a Belgian waffle place called “Bonte” for breakfast, but I ended up forgetting my phone (blergh!) and we forget where it was located. We walked around for a little while trying to find it, but Shawn was getting antsy for some food so we ended up going to I-Hop. My (not-as-authentic) Belgian waffle was still good, though. After that we checked out the Borders that is going out of business. There were some slim pickings, but I was able to snag the last copy of “Catching Fire” (the second in the “Hunger Games” trilogy) on discount. After that, I headed to Sephora to re-stock on my Bareminerals foundation and pick up a free birthday product sample. It ended up being a very generously-sized sample of Philosophy shower gel in “vanilla birthday cake” 🙂
As far as operation ant extermination goes, I think I may have (hopefully) gotten ride of them? I really have no idea though. I followed the directions on the stuff I got and put a few drops down all around my apartment. Ants are supposed to come like swarming at the stuff but literally none of them came…I saw a couple kind of hanging out around it after a couple hours, but nothing really noticeable and surely no “swarm”. Then again, I haven’t really seen any ants that past couple of days either…so maybe it is actually working? I guess time will tell. Until then I’ll just keep putting down the drops.
Tonight I’m heading to Manayunk with some friends to celebrate my birthday and I’m totally looking forward to it, even if its actually on Monday and not today haha.
I honestly don’t have anything else to say…I swear I’m like a blank page this week! Barely anything at all going on. Sorry guys!
Some more reviews on goodies from BzzAgent to share with you! I’ll be reviewing two products, actually, since I recieved them at the same time and they are from the same company and can be used together. The first is “The One Sweep” Eye Shadow palette from L’Oreal. The one I recieved was for brown eyes… read the rest