Oh my…so sorry I haven’t posted in forever! Had a lot going on!
Cat Update: So Charles has been doing really well. He’s been on oral steroids for two weeks now and luckily has not had any side effects to them. I’m hoping the vet will lower the dosage this week so he can be weaned off of it. A couple weeks ago, I also did a crazy throughout cleaning and encased our mattress, pillows, and boxspring with dustmite-proof stuff. Since I’ve done that, he actually hasn’t been sneezing much at all which is awesome! He started up on the allergy injections last weekend, and I actually had to bring him in for the first four. So many vet trips! The fourth one is this Wednesday, and after that I’m on my own. I hope he continues doing well even after he stops taking the oral steroids. I think all the cleaning I’ve been doing has been having a positive effect.
On the Adorability Designs front, I’ve finally purchased a desktop computer to work on. My little laptop just wasn’t cutting it. I got a refurbished one for pretty cheap on Overstock (along with a wireless adapter) and its been working really well so far! I love my little home office area 🙂 Now if only I could get more time somehow to actually do stuff, that would be great. lol. My business cards also came in…they turned out pretty nice. If anyone wants one, I’ll mail a couple over to you haha.

I may be going to Seattle this August for a few days for a family reunion. Still deciding what to do, and need to make sure Shawn can take care of the kitty.
I have so many product reviews that need to get done (especially the latest Influenster Vox Box I got a couple weeks back). Will try to do those this week!
Glad that Charles is getting better! Must be nice to finally seem to have an end in sight to the poor kitty’s suffering!
Pretty jealous of the idea of Seattle – it’s one of my “oooh, one day!” trip ideas, but seems so terribly far off in the distance!!