Here are my mini reviews of the products in my September Birchbox, with the exception of the nail stickers and lash cards (which I probably will not use). Jouer Lip Enhancer Although I wasn't a huge fan of the tinted lip enhancer I received in my May Birchbox, I really like this one! It gives some ...
Product Reviews
Remington T-Studio Pearl hair dryer
I bought a new hair dryer this past weekend! My old one I had for over a decade. I decided it was about time that I upgrade to one that isn't from the late 90's. :? I went back and forth between wanting to get a professional one (super expensive!) and a regular drugstore-brand one. I settled for the ...
September Birchbox
I finally recieved my September Birchbox yesterday! I almost always get it by the first week of the month, but this month it took a little longer for some reason. My "Box" page on the website had already been updated with the products in my September box before I had actually gotten it, so I already ...
My Review of the Clarisonic Mia
Clarisonic Mia I was lucky enough to receive a Clarisonic Mia about a month ago, and I am finally able to review it now for you guys! I wanted to wait about a month so that my skin could adjust to the Mia and I could share my experience with you now that I've used it for a few weeks. Sorry if this ...
Nails of the Week: Zoya “Shay”
Sorry for my lack of NOTW posts last week. I really wanted to post when I was on vacation because I had on a color that I don't usually wear ("Mermaid to Order" by Sephora by OPI) but something happened to my phone and I couldn't take any pictures on my camera phone. Its still broken, so I'm hoping ...
Milani Baked Blush in “terra sole”
Milani Baked Blush in "Terra Sole" I was surprised to receive this in the mail the other day. Well, kind of. I had won one of Milani's baked blushes through their Facebook page a few months ago. They were basically giving them out to anyone who "liked" them on Facebook (I'm sure at least a few of ...