...but don't come again another day. So on Tuesday I got off the bus coming back from work and went into my apartment. Immediately my shoulder blade/upper back area on my left side started to hurt. I've had this area hurt before (I'm sure many of us have), but its usually after I pulled something ...
Beautypedia and Skincare Routine
Hello all. Not a review today, but I wanted to talk about this website I stumbled upon called Beautypedia. I'm sure at least some of you have heard of it before or have heard of its creator, Paula Begoun (the "Cosmetics Cop"). Here is some background on her, if you are interested. Basically, the ...
Review: Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion
[amazon_link id="B00166RTYC" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ][/amazon_link] [amazon_link id="B00166RTYC" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ]Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion[/amazon_link] I've recently decided to not spend as much money on hair-care products. I've just ...
Bye Bye Split Ends
Apparently I really like posting on Mondays. I guess its because the weekend gives me something to talk about, whereas nothing of much importance happens during the week. Or I just save everything up for one post, which means the post is extremely long (like this one). On Friday, Shawn surprised me ...
aah, Monday…we meet again.
Most of my weekend was fairly uneventful, but I did see an opera on Friday night with my parents called "Phaedra". I hadn't been to an opera since 8th grade I believe, so it was nice to see one again. It was sung entirely in German (with subtitles of course) but the story revolved around characters ...
Review: Hurraw! Balm
I placed an order with Hurraw! Balm earlier this week, and received my order yesterday (super quick shipping!). I heard about these lip balms through a contest Elle and Blair were having, and since I suck at winning anything (but am a lip-balm junkie) I just decided to go ahead and purchase some ...