Here are some reviews on the products that I received in my February Glam Bag. I didn’t use all the products (there’s a couple that I don’t plan on using at all), but here are my thoughts on the ones I did use:
- NYX Roll On Shimmer
: Like I mentioned before, I’m happy that I got a more neutral color (taupe) for this product. I’m not a huge fan of glitter, though, and this eyeshadow definitely has a lot of it. It was very easy to roll on (only one swipe is needed), but I feel like the glitter gets everywhere! If you’re someone who loves glitter, I’d definitely suggest this, but unfortunately I do not.
- X Out Shine Control
: I only used this product on my forehead, because thats the only place that I’m really oily. I was a little unsure when I was supposed to apply this, but I did it after toning and before using serum (not sure if that’s correct). I noticed that my forehead wasn’t as oily by the middle of the day as it usually is, but it was still oily. This product also contains alcohol, which is a big no no for your skin, and since I don’t really have super oily acne-prone skin, it probably won’t be much good for me (which is why MyGlam needs to personalize their skincare products a little better if they want to continue with skincare stuff).
- Premier Instant Stretching Mask
: There was a Premier moisturizer that I received with this as well, but I’m not going to use it so I won’t be reviewing it. To be honest, I did like this mask (although I don’t think its worth the full size price tag). It made my face feel very soft after using it, and also applied very smoothly and evenly. Unfortunately, the teeny tiny sample packet was only good for one use. I would have loved a larger size to continue trying this out. Oh well.
- Freeman Facial Enzyme Mask in Pineapple
: I didn’t use this mask because I had a pretty bad experience with the Freeman mask from my last Glam Bag. Also, these peel-off masks (whichever brand you get) usually contain a lot of alcohol and harsh ingredients, so I’d prefer not to put that on my skin.
- NuMe Gift Card
: I decided I will be using this gift card to pick up a NuMe 25MM Curling Wand (in pink!) from their website. I’m excited to try it and will be doing a review on it once I get it. Despite the fact that the gift card amount is generous and I’ll make use of this, I’m still giving this an average rating since its pretty worthless if you aren’t in the market for a new styling tool or hair extensions (considering you have to put out your own money for it since all their products are so expensive).
This bag averages out to a rating of about 2.5 stars, which is really not good. Literally the only products I used from this were the mask (which I could only use once so thats gone), the chocolates (which I ate, so they’re also gone), and the gift card. I’m sticking around for another month in the hope that MyGlam can improve using the feedback they are receiving from their subscribers.
What did you think about the products in your February MyGlam bag?
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I was not pleased with this month’s bag. I have extremely dry and sensitive skin, so the mask and the shine control are useless to me. My Nyx roller is in green, and surprisingly, I kind of like it, but I don’t like the glitter that it drops all over my face. They need to make this more personalized. I’ll stick around for another month, let’s hope they get it together.