If you follow me on Twitter you already know this, but we got the condo that we made an offer for! We unfortunately had to amend our original offer so that it was a little higher, but I think we made the right decision 🙂 The area is nice (albeit a little far from my office, but that’s okay). It has two parking spaces for guests (or if we ever get a car) and the two bedrooms are super spacious with tons of closet space. Very excited about it! If all goes well, settlement will be on December 7th, and we’ll probably end up moving in the following weekend. We’re having the inspection today, and unfortunately Shawn is out of town on business so I’ll have to go. Its supposed to thunderstorm so really not looking forward to that but hopefully all goes well lol. It’ll be nice to look around it again knowing that we have it!
Not a whole lot else to report. My posts over the next couple months will probably be about the condo haha. Went to the mall this weekend and picked up a trench coat at H&M that I’ve been wanting. Loved it when I tried it on, but when I got back I realized the sleeve area was a little tight =/ It’ll still work but that’s a shame lol. Also picked up a really comfy (and cheap!) pair of flats at Payless. I’m going to have to be a bit more save-y the next couple months since there’s a bunch of stuff we need to get for the condo. No more shopping for me! haha
Not sure if any of your out there are interested, but I’m having a 20% off sale through October 31st on my pre-made Blogger themes over at Adorability Designs, so check it out if you or someone you know is interested in a new blog look =) I’m always adding more!
Yay, that’s brilliant news!!!! I can’t wait to see photos of course :).
Congrats on the condo! Such a super exciting (and scary!) time. Enjoy!
And I don’t think I realized you did Blogger themes. I keep settling for ones that I “kind of” like. I’ll have to check yours out. 🙂