Hello all.
I’m looking at the pretty Philadelphia skyline and IMing my boyfriend even though hes about 3 feet away from me haha. I really do love this apartment. Though I am a bit warm right now.
Today we went to attempt the gathering of footage for our nature-themed promo. It was quite a woodland adventure, but not the kind that I should have been wearing flip flops for. =P
I’m thinking about not going to the gym tomorrow. I feel like I get back so late everyday haha
On Friday I’m seeing the new Batman at the IMAX near me, should be fun. Then I’m going home this weekend (well, half of it) for a doctor’s appointment and to pick up a few things.
As you can see I have nothing really constructive to say.
BATMAN! I want to see it too! I had no idea it was going to be in IMAX though. Thanks for the idea!
Promise you won’t blog about Batman, spoiling the end of it, for those who won’t be able to see it until NEXT weekend? 🙁
Have fun watching the movie. I haven’t seen it yet but I work at the movie theater and it sure has been busy! Most of the shows are still being sold out.