Hey guyss I'm feel better which is a definite plus =) I got to work all day today (9 to 4) which is a good thing because of the time I missed last week from being sick. And the fact that when I'm not working I'm incredibly bored. haha. And getting paid of course =P I was hoping I'd get some more ...
Daily Life
do you feel so lucky now
I'm still pretty sick and it sucks =( Ugh I'm going through tissues like crazy. I might go see POTC3 again tomorrow cause my dad wants to see it and has no one to go with. lol. And maybe stop by Kohl's to see if they still have those sunglasses I wanted.. Yea I really don't have much to talk about ...
Went home early today cause my head was aching and my nose as runny. lol. I think I might have a sinus infection or something =/ I'm gonna take off tomorrow too (cause my boss said it was okay) soo...I might just do that. Even though I'd probably be fine going in if I took DayQuil or something but ...
Bored ramblings
Howdy :) I'm insanely tired today. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I slept too much over the weekend, so Monday night I couldn't fall asleep till around 3...and woke up at like 5. haha. And last night I still couldn't fall asleep till like 2 even though I went to bed at 12ish. I really hope I ...
they only want you when you’re 17
Gah I spent sooo long just now trying to get the comments to look the way I want them. I'm not used to working with CSS too much (I haven't touched the format of it in awhile), but after playing around with divs and stuff I finally got it :) Yayys Work today was ultra boring as usual. Worked 4 hours ...
Arggh Mateys
Saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3 today! It was pretty good. The plot-line was probably the most confusing of all 3 but it was still great. I think the second one is the funniest though. I'm having trouble with the stupid emoticons. I downloaded the plugin to have them appear in the comment area (which ...