There are a lot of products that I'd like to review but don't really have enough to say about them to justify writing a long post. So, I decided that about once a week (if I keep up with it hopefully) I'm going to do these "mini reviews" where I'll be reviewing 3 products in little blurbs. These ...
Case of the Mondays
I've basically been saying "I want to sleeeeep" since I opened my eyes this morning at 5:30AM. Even when I was at the gym all I wanted to do was close my eyes! The funny thing is I actually slept pretty well last night. Its gonna be a looong Monday. *headdesk* This weekend I went back home with ...
Acne Care: What Works & What doesn’t
There are quite a few products on my list to review, but I thought that I would talk only about the products I've tried that claim to help acne, and whether they have worked for me or not. Please note that all skin types are different, so what may have not worked for me may actually work for you and ...
Its Mah Birthday
Yep...24 years old today. Only one year left until I have to start thinking about the future and all that crap, right? Meh. Can I be 16 again, please? I spent Friday night celebrating with some awesome friends! We went to Mad River in Manayunk, where they happened to have a pretty sweet happy hour ...
Blank Page?
Holy crap I NEED to put up this post (or any post for that matter)! :? Its been in my drafts since Monday...and I had written about how Spring is here and it was like 75 degrees and blah blah blah...and now its totally not anymore (rainy and cold), so that's not appropriate at all. I suppose I ...
Review: L’Oréal Paris Eyeshadow and Mascara
Some more reviews on goodies from BzzAgent to share with you! I'll be reviewing two products, actually, since I recieved them at the same time and they are from the same company and can be used together. [amazon_link id="B0047ELSV0" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ][/amazon_link] ...