Good morning! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I had the day off from work tomorrow which couldn’t have come at a better time since my weekend was busier than usual. The weather is just starting to get chilly here and I’m loving it! Broke out my warm PJ pants and socks yesterday haha.
On Friday, Shawn and I went to look at more condos again. We re-visited the one we were planning on making an offer for, and also a couple others. (Btw, the condo I mentioned in my last post went off the market like 2 days after we saw it 🙁 ). One of the new ones we saw was amazing (2 parking spaces, fireplace, decent sized kitchen and HUGE bedrooms). The only problem was that its a bit out of our price range, but we ended up making an offer on it yesterday. We’re offering probably much lower than they’ll accept, but its worth a shot! They have a 40 hour window to accept/reject it, so we should know soon. If that doesn’t work out, hopefully the other condo that we liked will still be there. They’re both on the same block, so we are pretty much set on the area we are going to be living in. After taking an hour to get to work today because of ridiculous traffic, I’m totally looking forward to being able to walk!
After condos, I went with my parents to see the opera La boheme. It was really good! I knew that the musical, Rent, was based off of it, but I didn’t realize how much it really was based on it. Character names and story lines were almost the same. Of course I had to watch Rent after it to compare some more =p
I didn’t get back from that until about midnight, and then had to get up the next morning at 6AM for Temple’s Homecoming. I did the Alumni Marching Band and it was so much fun to be able to see a lot of my friends again and march and play on the field again! Even though I sounded pretty bad since I hadn’t picked up the clarinet in over 2 years probably.
Being able to walk to work is the best thing in the world lol. Good luck getting one in the area that you are looking. I know how frustrating it is trying to find a place to live.
I would love to be able to walk to work! My commute is only about 20 minutes, but I just think walking would be so nice.