So, since MySpace is being a pain (whats new?) and not letting me upload songs onto my music profile, I've created a page to house my music and such. Its located at so if you haven't heard my horrible half-decent songs yet, thats the place to go. I've been wanting ...
Daily Life
quiet up there!
I dont know what it is that the people above us do that create so much noise, but whatever it is it should not be at EIGHT AM on a Sunday morning. I know maintenance does a lot of stuff in the morning but I swear it has to be coming from an apartment. I have no idea what it is. It sounds like ...
version fourteen!
Its up! I hope you guys like it! I sure do =) I also coded half of this layout completely drunk. Now thats skill! Later gaters... ...
another day
I sometimes wish I had more entertaining and constructive things to say on here rather than constant complaining. But nope! :) I'll be happy once the end of the month hits. There's too much stuff going on right now, which oddly enough I'm trying not to think about. haha. So my Film professor ...
powder radio music
*should be doing homework, studying, picking classes, ANYTHING productive, but isn't* =P Wordpress, please stop telling me that there is a new version available to be updated. You're getting about as bad as I-Tunes. The next couple weeks are going to be pretty crazy. I can't believe its ...
sleeping with seclusion
And so begins the second week of classes. *yawn* My MWF class is just the BTMM senior seminar. The professor is a really nice and agreeable guy so it shouldn't be too bad. The only thing I'm a bit apprehensive for is the mock interview we have to do with the Career Development Center. They ...