[amazon_link id="B002NVG9ZO" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ][/amazon_link] VS. [amazon_link id="B0043OYFKU" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ][/amazon_link] Click to read my full review on the Clarisonic Mia Since I've used both of these cleansing systems for ...
September Birchbox Product Reviews
Here are my mini reviews of the products in my September Birchbox, with the exception of the nail stickers and lash cards (which I probably will not use). Jouer Lip Enhancer Although I wasn't a huge fan of the tinted lip enhancer I received in my May Birchbox, I really like this one! It gives some ...
Remington T-Studio Pearl hair dryer
I bought a new hair dryer this past weekend! My old one I had for over a decade. I decided it was about time that I upgrade to one that isn't from the late 90's. :? I went back and forth between wanting to get a professional one (super expensive!) and a regular drugstore-brand one. I settled for the ...
September Birchbox
I finally recieved my September Birchbox yesterday! I almost always get it by the first week of the month, but this month it took a little longer for some reason. My "Box" page on the website had already been updated with the products in my September box before I had actually gotten it, so I already ...
My Review of the Clarisonic Mia
Clarisonic Mia I was lucky enough to receive a Clarisonic Mia about a month ago, and I am finally able to review it now for you guys! I wanted to wait about a month so that my skin could adjust to the Mia and I could share my experience with you now that I've used it for a few weeks. Sorry if this ...
My August No-Buy: How did I do?
So I guess I should update on how my "no-buy" went for August! I had posted this entry saying that I wasn't going to buy any beauty-related items or skincare products for the whole month of August. I'd like to think that I accomplished that goal! Now...the reason I say that I would "like to think" ...