So I found this whole post in my drafts and realized I never published it (I don't think.) Lame. Well anyway, school has been going as usual. Nothing much to report. I had a party at my apt last weekend which was pretty fun. You can view photos of my drunken self holding a chair leg in the sidebar ...
Blog coming soon. Been too busy... You Color Your Life With Subtle Coolness You are a full of grace and peace. You don't let yourself get worked up. You tend to be a bit reserved. You only speak when you really have something to say. You aspire to a lot in life, and you're quietly working on ...
hmm avocado…
You Are an Avocado You are casual, laid back, and totally easy go get along with. You are compatible with many different types of people, even those with strong personalities. You are creative and inspired. You don't put yourself in a box, and you aren't into labels. You are open-minded and ...
is it really Sunday?
Seriously? This weekend was 10 seconds long. Hopefully this coming week will be less stressful than last week. I do have a Geography test on Thursday but it should go okay (maybe). On Friday I'm going to this Honor's Convocation in the idea what to expect with that. haha. But I did ...
Quick Posts!
Day 10: Grace in Small Things 1. Civil War midterm over 2. Liz and I seeing this dude with a pink cat mug 3. Getting a strawberry frappachino and some black and white cookies from Starbucks 4. Its almost Friday 5. Its almost Friday? SoulPancake: "Does the über-availability of information today ...
Todays Quick Posts
Day 9: Grace in Small Things 1. Lush Mask! Always a good pick me up 2. Getting a little more time to study on Wednesday for Thurs 3. Having yummy chicken and mac n cheese 4. That post-shower clean feeling 5. Can't think of another one because I have to get my geography paper done =( I guess getting ...
Quick Posts of the Day
Day 8: Grace In Small Things 1. Finally found black flats that are fairly comfy! 2. Whole bunch of new tank tops from Old Navy 3. Did the dishes and getting laundry none 4. Being depressed because breaks over Anticipating getting things done this week and a great weekend ahead 5. Seeing a ton of ...
All Kinds of Stuff
Hey guys! Haven't made a real blog post in awhile. I've been trying to make more mini-posts, such as my daily Grace in Small Things, to keep my blog fresh and not completely dead on days when I don't actually blog (which is most days haha). I should also be doing some prompts from Plinky as well ...
tweet tweet almost spring
Another one of the those full days alone at work with nothing to do. Its been very slow...only a couple phone calls and emails and a couple minor things to change on the website. So I've basically been Twitter-ing it up all day! Spring Break starts this week. I'm going home tonight and should be ...
*blank stare*
Nothing really exciting going on. *thinks* Yea I got nothing. haha. Lots of schoolwork stuff due coming up. Luckily I've been doing pretty well so far, so hopefully I can keep that up. Did anyone watch CSI last night and feel like they completely copied the format for their previous episode "4x4"? ...