Happy 2018! Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable New Years :) Its been absolutely freezing here lately, so I was only outside to watch fireworks for about 5 minutes before running back inside haha. 2017 was absolutely wonderful. I met an amazing guy (though I guess that was technically 2016), ...
(Not So) Brief Life Update
This was originally titled "Brief Life Update". 6 Paragraphs later, I figured that wasn't an accurate title. So much for staying on track with posts, huh? I have 2 Book of the Month reviews I have yet to post. I may only do one of them at this point since the first book isn't exactly fresh in my ...
Annual Life Update!…Blog Reboot?
Hello readers! (all...2 of you) I'm still alive! I know I've basically abandoned my little corner of the interwebs here. But looky...a new logo. That totally means I'll update more! Alright, maybe not, but I'll certainly try. ;) Quick rundown of my life... Apartment: Still in the same place ...
Another Year…
...and another January of shit hitting the fan! Though hopefully not as bad as last January? We'll see. The first week of the year around New Year's, my kitty started acting a bit funny. Kept going after his tail at every opportunity. He had also been licking litter off the floor for months ...
Blogging is Hard!
...judging by the fact that I haven't posted since August. Aah well. Here I am! Things have been okay...busier than usual which isn't a bad thing. I think I have stuff going on almost every weekend in December. This weekend (well, tomorrow) I'll be attending the first annual Wordcamp US, so that ...
Life Lately in Photos
Man I suuuck at blogging! Here's a little run down of this past month... Jesse is well! I got him re-tested for giardia, and his test came back negative. Yay! He's exploring a bit more (as can be seen from the below photos). Still meowing his head off at 4AM but oh well. I had to watch ...