I've been sick with a cold all weekend, so I decided to use all the time I had trapped indoors to make a new theme for this blog! And I have to say that I'm LOVING the final result! :love: Everything looks the way I want it to...clean, organized, and pink (of course). :-) I also figured out how to ...
Daily Life
water water everywhere
Its pouring out right now. I'm in the family room of the house so its like directly on the roof. Kinda crazy. Apparently there was some huge leak from the upstairs bathroom all the way down to the basement, so we had a plumber come over this morning. He basically had to saw open a portion of the ...
pointless update
I'm about due for a blog post, but I honestly have nothing to talk about! haha. Work has been going well. We've been getting more snow, but hopefully it'll get warmer soon...its already starting to get a bit warmer. I booked a flight for Charlotte for Easter weekend (April 2-4) so I'm looking ...
yay snow
I'm blogging and it hasn't even been a full month yet...go me! haha Its snowing quite a bit outside right now. Looks really pretty. I'd take pictures but I didn't bring my camera home with me. I have a feeling this weekend's gonna fly by though because it usually does when I'm sitting here doing ...
in charlotte
So I'm in Charlotte this week with Shawn. Its pretty nice. LOTS of restaurants though and basically no stores (at least in the Center City area). They must really love their food haha. I only brought one pair of jeans and they ended up ripping the first day (yay for luck.) so I wanted to find a new ...
Quick Update
Just wanted to update you guys on the whole moving to Charlotte situation. We were able to get someone to sign a new 12-month lease for our apartment (after realizing that our building doesn't allow lease transfers or sublets). So thats really great cause now Shawn wont have to pay for like 5 ...