Hey guys! Haven't made a real blog post in awhile. I've been trying to make more mini-posts, such as my daily Grace in Small Things, to keep my blog fresh and not completely dead on days when I don't actually blog (which is most days haha). I should also be doing some prompts from Plinky as well ...
Daily Life
tweet tweet almost spring
Another one of the those full days alone at work with nothing to do. Its been very slow...only a couple phone calls and emails and a couple minor things to change on the website. So I've basically been Twitter-ing it up all day! Spring Break starts this week. I'm going home tonight and should be ...
*blank stare*
Nothing really exciting going on. *thinks* Yea I got nothing. haha. Lots of schoolwork stuff due coming up. Luckily I've been doing pretty well so far, so hopefully I can keep that up. Did anyone watch CSI last night and feel like they completely copied the format for their previous episode "4x4"? ...
A Couple Blogthings
You Are an Ectomorph You are thin and lean. You don't put on weight easily. Ectomorphs are known for being private, introverted, and brilliant. It's likely that you are introspective, philosophical, and even artistic. Other people tend to make you a bit tense, but being alone is both inspiring ...
What I’m Using Right Now
I'm bored so I'm doing this haha. Taken from Aubrey @ Fafinettex! HAIR Shampoo - CIBU Take-Out, Garnier Fructis Volumizing, Pantene Ice Shine, Head and Shoulders, Selsun Blue, LUSH Cynthia Sylvia Stout Conditioner - Pantene Restoratives Deep Conditioner, Garnier Fructis Volumizing Hair Mask - I ...
Happy Valentine’s Day
Is anyone else having trouble with the Wordpress upgrade? I tried doing the automatic upgrade thing and its been on "Downloading update from http://wordpress.org/wordpress-2.7.1.zip" forever and doesn't do anything. I had a really great Valentine's Day...well technically it isn't over yet haha. ...