Hope everyone is doing well. Tomorrow is Labor Day and classes start on Tuesday. Temple is starting really late (in Sept) this year with classes, its kind of weird and throwing off my sense of time. I had band camp all last week, and it actually wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. I dare say that ...
Daily Life
love is noise / cs8web.net
I figure its about time for a blog. I'm currently at home for the weekend. Friday was the last day of my internship at WYBE, and I have the whole next week off. Yesterday we went to NYC for a day trip but it turned out to be pretty sucky. We got lost getting up there, then we spent like 2 hours ...
So yesterday while I was walking to the subway station, I somehow managed to step on a nail and have it go through my shoe and into my foot a little bit. It was not a pleasant experience. haha. I had to take care of it when I got to work with the first aid kit, and then my dad had to pick me up in ...
boredom ensues
This weekend went by in about 5 seconds. I got my hair cut on Saturday! You can check it out in the "recent photos" on the sidebar. I also went to my friend's 21st birthday party which was a ton of fun. On Sunday I checkout out of my old apartment and helped my boyfriend clean up his old apartment ...
why so serious?
Yes, Batman was amazingly good as was Mamma Mia which I saw the following night. See them! I can't believe its Monday already, I can't wait for Friday again haha. Should be a pretty good weekend. I'm should be seeing Batman again on Friday with Shawn and then on Saturday night I'm going to my ...
beauty in the breakdown
Hello all. I'm looking at the pretty Philadelphia skyline and IMing my boyfriend even though hes about 3 feet away from me haha. I really do love this apartment. Though I am a bit warm right now. Today we went to attempt the gathering of footage for our nature-themed promo. It was quite a woodland ...