Soo...I didn't get to move into my new apartment yesterday >. ...
Daily Life
haha this day is teh suck I was so tired when my alarm went off this morning that I couldn't even move, and had to wait for a little while till I regained arm movement to turn it off. I was having this dream that cavemen were chasing me which was really weird. So anyway, after waking up late, I ...
Je m’appelle…?
I have a dentist appointment today. :-( scury. I'm not a fan. haha Wow I really wish (again) that I had something to blog about. haha. Maybe I should just got blog at all if I don't have anything to say :-P O well. I've decided that I don't like the layout or the name of my new portfolio site. Far ...
goodnight moon
I'm really tired *yawn* I've been tired all day. haha. Minute I get home = nap! I'm in an okay mood. Nothing really interesting going on. lol. Its steaming hot outside and its awful. ugggh. Just walking like a block to the TECH Center was unbearable lols. I'll be staying at Temple this weekend ...
you’re so vaaain
Good afternoon on this tiresome rainy Monday =P I've decided that listening to people flirting makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Especially girls. And especially when they have this yippidy yappidy fake chihuahua voice. Maybe thats why I've never been able to stand those teen shows like Dawson's ...
calm down!!
*yawn* kinda sleepy and eh. haha. Work today was teh suck. I can't wait till my boss gets back cause I never feel like I'm doing anything right. =/ lol. There seems to be an intense phone conversation going on near me in the Tech Center. I honestly don't understand how people can just talk (loudly) ...