So we have this recent problem with ants in the apartment. Nothing really bad (yet)...we've just been seeing ants here and there, mostly in the kitchen and on our dining table...basically places where food is. I bought this stuff online yesterday called "Terro" which is like this sweet, poisonous ...
Review: Glade Sparkle of Spring Candle
Since this isn't exactly a beauty product, I wasn't sure whether to post this review here or on my main blog,, but I decided here would be the best place in order to keep my product reviews separate from my personal blogging. BzzAgent was generous enough to send me quite a few ...
Just. Want. Sleeeep.
Sorry for not posting for over a week...nothing much was happening to update on. Feeling super tired today and my nose is all sniffly. Also feeling kind of light-headed every time I get up to walk around. I just want to sleep, which will probably be the first thing I do when I get home. Hopefully ...
Monday. Meh.
So this weekend didn't go as great as I was hoping (mostly for reasons I can't really write about here) but I did end up going to the city on Saturday and getting some stuff done. I didn't end up going to dinner (being by myself and all X( , which would be lame), but another time I suppose. My ...
La Pluie
Apparently, that means "rain" in French according to Google Translate. My four years of studying French in highschool have obviously paid off, no? X( Thankfully, this week seems to be flying by! The rain is making me feel like I've downed half a bottle of Nyquil, though. :? Getting out of bed this ...
Blushing Soapy Friday
Happy Friday, everyone! What are your plans for the weekend? I'm hoping to go to the mall with Shawn and also see "The Adjustment Bureau". It looks really good. The buses the past couple days have been ridiculous. Apparently there are some electrical problems with the train near me, so it seems ...