Better late than never, right? Almost 2 weeks ago Steve and I finally moved into our house in South Jersey! Everything with the move went pretty smoothly. Jesse was surprisingly subdued, though he took a little time to adjust to the new place. Now he's fairly comfortable. His favorite spots are ...
Studio Apartment Tour!
Finally! I've been wanting to post about the new apartment, but I knew I wanted to include pictures and it just wasn't in a state to take photos of before. I moved here in May...its just a couple blocks from where I used to live, so same neighborhood (which I love). As you'll see, the apartment, ...
All Moved In!
Well we're finally all un-packed and moved into the new condo! I guess the moving process went fairly smoothly, all things considered. We did end up breaking the railing and a light in our old apartment trying to get the couch out. Hopefully my dad can fix it at some point, but if not I guess it'll ...
Moving In…
I know I promised pics of the new place, but we just got our kitchen table yesterday and we're in the process of putting it theres trash and boxes and pieces of furniture everywhere at the moment. haha. Everything went fairly smoothly with the move. There were, of course, ...
movin on up
...or, rather, down? I can't believe I literally only have 2 days left in my apartment! There's some things I'll miss about it...other things, not so much (mainly the guy next door who likes to blast heavy metal at odd times during the day :? ). I'll miss not having my own space. I'm already ...
touch the fire twice
Hey guys! So I'm all moved into the new apartment and I absolutely adoreeee it ...