I can't believe its already December. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty relaxing. I spent a lot of time watching Netflix movies haha. I watched 3 in a row on Saturday night; "Amelie", "Me and You and Everyone We Know", and "King of California". They were all pretty good but ...
day 30: whatever tickles your fancy
Last day of the meme!...which means I'll actually have to think about what topics to post from now on. haha. In the spirit of Thanksgiving which is coming up this Thursday, I'll talk about a movie that I like which centers around Thanksgiving called "Pieces of April". Its a little indie ...
day 29: hopes, dreams & plans for the next yr
Almost done the meme! haha I've never really been known to have a lot of longterm goals/plans/whatever. I mean I make a New Year's Resolution usually, but I couldn't even tell you what my 2010 one was supposed to be. I forget it about a week later haha. I guess my main "hope" is something that I ...
day 28: your year in great detail
My whole year in great detail? I don't think so. haha. Lets just go with a month-by-month bullet point list of 2010, shall we? JAN: Rang in the new year with Shawn. We went to a nice restaurant in the city. Found out I got a job about a week later (happy!), Shawn also got a job...in Charlotte ...
day 27: your month in great detail
I'm not sure if this means the month of November, or the happenings of October 11 until now, since that would cover a whole month. I think I'm just going to ramble about whatever is going on now instead of boring you with stuff you already know :-) As I mentioned before, Shawn got a new job here ...
day 26: your week in great detail
My weeks aren't usually the most exciting...so this entry probably isn't going to be as long as it could haha. Monday I went to work. I found out about Shawn getting a job that night, so that was exciting. I also started reading Mini Shopaholic, which I'm actually halfway through already. I don't ...
enjoy the new theme!
Just making a quick post (apart from the 30 day meme) to announce that I have a new theme up. I did the entire thing for the most part in one day, but it was actually a lot of work! I learned a new way to do image rollovers, so I was glad to put that to use. I hope you enjoy it! I also found out ...
day 25: your day in great detail
I would be in bed right now if not for the fact that I'm waiting for my nails to dry cause I just put polish on them. So I figure I'll do this. Uh, well today was a Sunday (and also Halloween). I got up around 11 cause I'm lazy on weekends. I had a bagel and a coffee from Dunkin Donuts for ...
day 24: whatever tickles your fancy
Luckily today was "whatever tickles your fancy" because I have a different meme to do! :-) Worked out nicely. 1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter. 2. List (and upload) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter. 3. Post them to your journal with these instructions. Cara gave me ...
day 23: a youtube video
So I had a different video here at first but I just saw a Glee spoof from Electric Spoofaloo and its absolutely hilarious. So thats below. haha I've been getting so many ridiculous spam comments lately on old entries. Not sure why but its super annoying! Most don't even have links in the comment ...