Just wanted to update you guys on the whole moving to Charlotte situation. We were able to get someone to sign a new 12-month lease for our apartment (after realizing that our building doesn't allow lease transfers or sublets). So thats really great cause now Shawn wont have to pay for like 5 ...
Review: Lush Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds
[amazon_link id="B0016OCUNY" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ][/amazon_link] [amazon_link id="B0016OCUNY" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ]LUSH Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds Bubble Bar[/amazon_link] Some more Lush for ya! This review is on the Blue Skies and ...
Protected: moving in the next few months…
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has it really been two months?
...since I last wrote anything here? Geez I'm sorry. Well to make up for it I have a brand new theme up! It took me awhile to code...let me know what you think! But please for the love of all that is good do not view it in Internet Explorer! haha. Bad things will happen. I can't even think about ...
Review: Lush Imperialis Moisturizer
[amazon_link id="B000225ZMO" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ][/amazon_link] [amazon_link id="B000225ZMO" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ]LUSH Imperialis Moisturizer[/amazon_link] Another Lush review! This one is on the Imperialis Moisturizer (and I've ...
the past month
I guess I've gotten in the habit of posting once every month? Well, alright then. Hmm...nothing new. Pretty much the same. Luckily, I did make some form of income working at ULTA with my friend to help set up a new store. It was a lot of work but I ended up having fun =) I had some crazy allergic ...
my life lately…
Its been awhile since I've posted anything...sorry about that! For labor day weekend I went to Ocean City, MD with my parents and the boyfriend. I had a good time, except for the fact that it seemed way too short. I need like a week-long trip somewhere lol. O well. I've been trying to make the ...
almost september?
I really have nothing to talk about today, but I'll try. Summer is dwindling down...sad. Well I can't wait for the Fall weather to get here cause I'm sick of this summer weather, but I still don't have a job and the fact that Fall is basically here makes me sort of want to panic...although I know ...
today was epic
...and not really in a good way. I had a job interview today which should have been very easy to get to, but that would mean I actually have good luck (which of course I don't). The trolley ended up being down due to electrical work so I ended up walking from my apartment on Spring Garden to Penn's ...
Of mice and laptops
So here are some pictures of my new laptop (a pink Sony Vaio NS). I'm basically in love with it. Its so nice to have a computer I can actually carry around places (cause the battery works) and that I can actually type with (cause it has all the keys intact). The keys are a lot easier to use ...