Good morning everyone. Nothing to do at work yet since my boss won't be in till 1, so I might as well take the time to blog a little. I really wish we had snow =( It snowed a lot in some places yesterday but only a tiny bit here...and none of it stuck. meh. One of my professors is already being a ...
Its amazing how ridiculously messy the apartment can get after like 2 days. I mean I'm never here...but when I am theres like piles of dishes and the trash is overflowing! haha. I dunno...if I were here more I think I'd be more annoyed. =P Though I did complain last year about how dumb it is to get ...
Hope everyone had a great New Years! I'll be at work for the rest of the week...and most likely everyday till the semester starts. *sigh* So boring. haha. I hate having to call people...especially rude people. I had to call the Physical Therapy department to ask what the name of one of the ...
holiday summary
So...this is the new! I've gotten rid of all the extraneous content and kept the basics of the site: my blog, my work, and links. All I have left to do is add digital art and photography to the portfolio section. done! If anyone is interested in hosting, I have 4 spots available. ...
version eleven!
New layout! Still working on it...changing the format of the site and deleting A LOT. Everything is basically finished minus the portfolio page. =) Question: Does anyone know how I'd go about having more entries on my index page? Right now theres only I know I've done it before...but I just ...
Its cold and rainy outside and my Ugg boots got wet and work is boring and I'm grumpy. *pout* But other than that everythings great and the semester is over! wooooo! Going Christmas shopping tomorrow with Shawn...then he's coming back to my house for a few days! I'm excited! I have ideas for a ...
when it all comes down
Heyy Things have been pretty good I spose. Overall, I've been doing well in school...though a couple of classes are getting on my nerves. lol. Right now its my mass Media and Children class...which I usually love, but I got an 86 on the midterm when I thought I got at least in the 90s since I ...
Heyy! School has somewhat died down so I have some time to blog. haha. Things have been pretty good. Its getting colder out which is actually pretty cool cause I was getting tired of warm weather. lol. Halloweeeen s on Wednesday! lols. I went to a halloween party on saturday and there pictures up ...
...about disappearing from the face of the Earth! hahaha. Again, I've been busy...either with school or other things. When I'm not at class or work I'm usually in my apt doing homework or something for classes...and then at night I'm too tired to do anything or just not around my computer. haha. ...
busy bee
So much stupid reading to do for classes...and of course band! So yea I've been busy...not much blogging going on haha. So far my classes have been okay. A few of them are all about participation though which isn't exactly my forte (aka I'm deathly afraid of speaking haha)...but I guess thats just ...