Its that time of year again! I just received my favorite subscription box for the season yesterday. Although it doesn't quite feel like Fall just yet, I'm sure it will soon and I'll be able to use some of these items! Here's what I got! Mer Sea Cozy Wrap (in Blush Ombre) (Retail Value ...
Stitchfix – Fall 2017
Unfortunately this Stitchfix was a bit of a flop. A couple of the items I liked were too large and the rest were just not great. Here's what I got... ...
(Not So) Brief Life Update
This was originally titled "Brief Life Update". 6 Paragraphs later, I figured that wasn't an accurate title. So much for staying on track with posts, huh? I have 2 Book of the Month reviews I have yet to post. I may only do one of them at this point since the first book isn't exactly fresh in my ...
Ellie Box (July)
Its Ellie box time! As usual, I loved this box just like I did the last 2. These boxes really do have amazing value! Here's what I got! Marika AVA Performance Capri Leggings I only had a couple capris so I'm thankful I now have a third to round out my collection. These are from my favorite ...
BOTM Review: American War by Omar El Akkad 📖
I've been SO bad with reading lately...just finishing up this book, which I got in April! The premise of this book really intrigued me. Its set in a future dystopian version of America, where the North and South are fighting a second Civil War spurred by the South's desire to continue using ...
Stitchfix – Summer 2017
I ordered a Stitchfix box last week! I'm not on any set schedule with I just kind of order one when I feel like it. Lately, its seemed to be once a season so maybe I'll start doing that. That makes this my "Summer" Stitchfix :) ...
FabFitFun Summer 2017
#HelloSummer! Its the first day of Summer, so what better time to review my FabFitFun Summer box! I received this last week, and loved it as always. FabFitFun is my favorite subscription box! Here's what I got! Michael Stars Ruana (in Brush Batik) As an annual subscriber, I got to choose ...
Trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto!
This past week/weekend, Steve and I went to Niagara Falls and Toronto! I've always wanted to go there...I was actually supposed to a couple years back with my parents, but literally 2 nights before I realized my passport had expired so we cancelled haha. The original plan was to go camping on the ...
Ellie Box (May)
Super excited to post here for the first time about Ellie! Ellie is a fitness box subscription that runs $49.95/month (with the option to skip, which I've done). I just started working out in January, and unfortunately my workout clothes were awful and I barely had any. I started this subscription ...
Last Summer’s Leak Story
Nothing too exciting going on. Apparently my shower is leaking into the girl below me's apartment (who I refer to as "Melanie 2" or the "other" Melanie cause we have the same name). Hopefully that gets resolved today so I can use the shower again. There's supposed to be contractors coming over to ...