Hello there! Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! I don't know about you, but I would love for this summer to end...hate the heat and bugs! Just a quick post about my August Stitch Fix box. Overall, this box was a bit of a dud =/ I'll try my best in the future to take pictures of these ...
Life Lately in Photos
Man I suuuck at blogging! Here's a little run down of this past month... Jesse is well! I got him re-tested for giardia, and his test came back negative. Yay! He's exploring a bit more (as can be seen from the below photos). Still meowing his head off at 4AM but oh well. I had to watch ...
Meet Jesse!
I'm almost a little sad writing this post, because exactly 2 years ago (just about), I wrote this post where I introduced Charles. :'( I miss my little buddy every day. However I am very excited to introduce my new little buddy, Jesse! While he'll never replace Charles, I love him to bits and know ...
Studio Apartment Tour!
Finally! I've been wanting to post about the new apartment, but I knew I wanted to include pictures and it just wasn't in a state to take photos of before. I moved here in May...its just a couple blocks from where I used to live, so same neighborhood (which I love). As you'll see, the apartment, ...
May StitchFix
I know, I know...you want to hear about my new apartment (and new kitty!). Will be posting about those soon! But today I wanted to put up my first StitchFix review! A little bit about Stitchfix: Basically, its a personal stylist service that will send you hand-picked selections of various ...
Moving Soon!
Can't believe I'm moving in just 4 days. Crazy! I've gotten pretty much everything I need from IKEA (couch, desk, tables, etc) so its going to just be a matter of moving it all and putting it together. I'm a little worried about parking since there is none and its a one-way street, but hopefully ...
More Ulcers, Kitnip Box, and my Weekend
Hello peoples! Hope everyone is doing well. I'm in a strangely good mood today and I have no idea why. Its kind of sad that I have to wonder why I'm in a good mood (because I'm never usually in one?) haha. I did work out yesterday for the first time in months. Maybe that has something to do with ...
Lots of Updates Since I Literally Never Blog Anymore
Good grief I have not posted in almost a month!? First things first, because I know you love hearing about this little dude: Unfortunately, he is not doing so great. His itchiness has increased tremendously over the past week or so. Poor thing has like no hair at all on his belly (and ...
Charles’s First KitNip Box!
I recently signed up for the subscription box, KitNip, which sends a box each month filled with kitty related goodies. July is the first box I received, and it was decorated so nicely! Its like a Birchbox for kitties :) I kind of figured that I would get things that Charles couldn't use, ...
Coppertone ClearlySheer Sunscreen
I'm one of those people who doesn't really wear sunscreen regularly (except for on my face) unless I'm at the beach or outside for a long period of time, etc. Probably not good! However, yesterday was extremely hot and sunny so I decided to give the Coppertone ClearlySheer that I received from ...